Cigar Rollers are no longer the tired 50 year old Cuban man rather, these cigar rolling artisans are far better to look and they are all female.
The Cigar Dolls are entertainers that roll cigars, not cigar rollers trying to be entertainers.
Cigar rollers are now a feature at any upscale event and typically because the guest list is upscale as well. Cigar rollers are not all the same and this is one of the key concerns you should be aware of when booking your event.
Cigar Roller rolling cigars live at event
Female Cigar rollers rolling cigars at events are now the trend for VIP parties
All of our cigar rollers speak English, one of the most important issues that are often ignored by event planners in brides to be.
The Cigar Dolls have the authenticity of being Dominican, Colombian and Cuban cigar rollers however they are second-generation so you get someone that can interact with your guests and make the feature far more warm and engaging, this is an element that the Cigar Dolls will bring to your event that an aging Cuban cigar roller cannot.
Cigar Rolling Latinas are the Trend!
Sure a female cigar roller is authentic and creates a better visual, but a Cigar Doll will give your event the latest feature that is new, many event planners don't even know about.
Corporate events make the best environment for the Cigar Dolls as the corporations image is perceived as youthful, fresh and progressive rather than old and outdated.
Send us the details of your event whether it be a corporate, golf or wedding cigar events and we will create a quote for you within 24 hours.
The Cigar Dolls will make an impression that your guests will never expect or forget.